Listening to Leaving on A Jet Plane - John Denver
Can't sleep, so I played Dawn of War. I think I'm at mission 10 now. From what I've heard there's only 11 missions. After this is to gain the proper skill to play the game. Wheeeeee. Maybe.
Now it's 22 hours before the weekend. Heh. Work should be a breeze tomorrow. Hopefully ;) At least I will make it so. Should go to sleep now, but I'm rather excited and anxious. Hahaha. Can't wait for the weekend. Sheesh.
Which brings me to this: I managed to borrow a shitload of GURPS source books. There's so many. @_@ Have to read them as I go along... Yes... It's that time again! Ahmad tries to GM!!! I think I should keep the group small. Maybe 7 at most. Even then, they say it's far too large. We'll manage I think. Heahhehhhahheheh...
The Year is 1963. Hitler decided to advance his push on Britain, rather than turning around against his Russian allies. The world's history changed. The German-Italian front won the Second World War. Rommel's push into African territory had proved to be of great strategic value. With resources from Africa uninterrupted, the Allies were utterly crushed. The formation of the African continent, without Egypt, and Europe made up the United Aryan Nation. A majority of Native Africans are used as slaves in labour.
The current Fuhrer is Adolf Tomas, the son of Hitler.
The United States of America never attempted to block the Japanese Pacific Fleet as the country suffered from fascist insurgence. In fact, before the rebellion started, fascist movement in politics proved strong with a backing from Europe.
America was liberated, but with a hatred nation against non whites. Bloodbaths of ethnic origin became commonplace. Not being able to win at a war of attrition, the non whites moved south towards Latin America. While North America claims that both continents were part of the Liberated States of America, the southern part had never accepted it and continously fought using jungle warfare.
The capital of the Liberated States of America is at Dallas, Texas.
Japan's dictatorship however did not achieve great heights like its European cousins. China, Russia and the Indian subcontinent created the Communist Union Countries or CUC. Russia and India moved their military might against the invading Japanese and wiped out the country in a 3 year war of attrition. The Germans and Italians never came to help, as a treaty signed between the two fronts in 1943 put the Japanese into the CUC's hands. The Japanese country and people were crushed in 1949, and it is known that less than 2 million survivors are still alive, most of them in Latin America. The CUC is still cracking down on these people.
The political administration of the CUC is at Calcutta, India, while the military administration is in Stalingrad. The two biggest Naval bases are in Shanghai and Kyoto.
However, before the CUC could prevent the Japanese, they had conquered South East Asia. In order to win the hearts of the people in the region, the CUC provided the guerilla fighters with weapons and supplies. The South East Asian countries did fight, but in the end, they were defeated. However upon the destruction of the Japanese Empire, the CUC provided independence to these countries, and in accordance to the 1952 Bangkok Pact, the Free Oceania League which also includes Australia, are only allowed to trade with the CUC. In 1956 however, the trade allowances were expanded to other nations, but the CUC still gets the lowest interest rates.
The capital of the Free Oceania League is at Yogjakarta. However, each country remains sovereign when compared to the other groups.
Egypt, and the Arabic Nations remained neutral as war escalated around their countries, mainly Africa and Asia, as India went a brutal socialist revolution. They merged into a single entity, simply called themselves Syurga, which means Heaven in
Arabic Sanskrit. They maintained a closed border regime. The United Aryan Nations were only interested in the oil there, but it was unneccessary, until a mobilization is required again. The CUC were not interested as their fuel comes from Siberia, Ukraine, and the Free Oceania League. Syurga remains neutral in all conflicts, but recently there has been rumors that they are also mobilizing an army.
News has it that Syurga recently appointed a Mullah to lead the faith and nation. The name is still not known to the rest of the world.
Greenland and the Artic proved to be no-man's land, but the remaining European citizen who had fled during the war managed to settle there. Fortunately, the country in not inhabitable, only harsh, and the people adapted. Most of the people here are of Jewish descendant.
Hahaha. A preview of the world I'm creating. A sneak peek to say... Enjoy :D
Didn't eat any supper. Perut tengah sakit -_-