Nov 30, 2002

Ho hum... my birthday is coming in 4 days time. Hm... 22 years of age. I feel kinda old. But not really.

w00t I added Jive's blog. Badaboom Bada Bing!

I have approximately 1.5 GB worth of manga! W00t. MUST DOWNLOAD MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``

Nov 29, 2002

Also forgot to mention that yesterday night's Amazing Race episode was VERY tense. And anticlimatic :( Supposedly, next week's show will be a 2 hour special. Heh :)

And tonite's a Magic Draft night. W00t!

Tomorrow's a fine day to visit PC Fair, but I don't know whether I can do it with puasa. Will have to see...

Oh... and for those permanently online people: Web comics
[Okashina Okashi (aka Strange Candy)] - Really funny. Made by 3 Anime/Manga fangirls. 4/5
[River City High] - Sprite comic based on River City Ransom. Parody 4/5
[RPG World] - Parody of most console RPGs (esp. Square stuff) 5/5
[8-bit Theatre] - Parody of FF1. Hadoken! 5/5
[Saturnalia] - Original online comic. Houshin Engi influence style artwork. The author/artist did this [site] (which has the first 6 books of Houshin Engi scanlated) 4/5



I reached the same puzzle that I stopped at in Wild Arms 2 when I played it on the console. I STILL CAN'T SOLVE IT ;_;

Nov 25, 2002

It's cold...

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Nov 24, 2002

Ho hum... I finished 38/54. Not too bad for a first timer. 3 wins 3 losses. I could have played better which would have gotten me another 2 win, but oh well. It was fun :)

Nov 23, 2002

I know it's kinda late, but I'm entering a Magic: The gathering Tourney tomorrow. Wish me luck...

Nov 20, 2002

Streamyx/Broadband users go visit [here]. It's an internet radio for videogame music with a HUGE selection.

Oh and I found Hack//.Sign Ost 1 and 2 mp3 archive. The songs are GOOD.

Well... I managed to watch ROD 3 episode OVA on Monday. Very nice.

Hmm... it's a Wednesday... I wonder what am I to do. Looks like it's back to FF8. I think. Or something else... ah crap. I'm BORED -_-

Nov 18, 2002

Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets was rather nice. Dobby could be friends with Iggy from JoJo :) Missing was the Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party. I'm not too sure about any other missing parts. Now thinking about it... who would be a good actor to be Lupin, Sirius, and Scabber dude for the next movie. Also, who would be a good Mad Eye Moony.

Also caught My wife is a Gangster DVD. This Korean movie is cool. The English sub was better than most HK translations I've seen. The jokes were funny as were the punchlines. And at points pretty heart-warming too. And the action scenes reminded me of HK action flicks. Definitely a good watch.

Nov 16, 2002

[geek talk]
I was playing Magic till 12:30 this morning (short (if you call 4 hours short) 4 player Onslaught Rochester draft). I actually got 2nd place. W00t. Really damn tired, but wanted to blog first before leaving the comp for downloading stuff...

Seems like I will definitely be playing in the weekly draft games on Fridays from now on :) It's just plain fun.

And next week onwards, there will be an AD&D D20 (3rd Ed) Tourney at the gameshop I frequent. W00t~
[/geek talk]

And I can't get to see Spirited Away on Sunday :( Evil holidaying people prebooked all the shows on that day :O But I got a seat for Harry Potter though.

I need sleep now.

Nov 14, 2002

Ara ara~ I got to see a glimpse of MCB(TM) on episode 4 of GitS:SAC. At least I think I did. It was 2:30ish in the morning. Nobody told me that the opening was CG. Well, I guess that's because I didn't ask...

Couldn't get my WA3 OST yet ;_; FTP servers were full...

Well... at least one submission for toast is complete. I just need to scan and touch it up a bit (pencil lines are still visible, urgh).

Nov 13, 2002

[Comic Fiesta linkie] for those interested.

Whee 3rd post of the day... Ooh and I found a server hosting WA3 OST :) It's leeching time tonite... unless it's NWN.

Problem is, I wouldn't be online (or rather I will be online, but not sitting infront of the computer) tonite because I have to send my bro for his guitar lesson. ;_;

QotD: Why is it always "Mr Right" and not "Ms Right"?

I really wanna catch Spirited away and Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets. Who's free? 2 movies in 1 day. Probably this Sunday.

Eisu, I have access to a whole bunch of FTP servers, so I can grab some stuff from there; Anime eps, OSTs, and game OSTs. Anything you want to find in particular?I really want to see GITS:SAC. Oh and to anybody else who wants stuff, just tell me. I'll see what I can do (no guarantees but those who wants to trade will get priority). Unless of course you are really close :)

Oh, btw Aimo, wanna play NWN since you are so very free and probably given up on playing Suiko3? :P

I tried and tried but I couldn't find it. What's it, you ask? That's Makoto's Motoko's Curvaceous Behind (TM). ^_^

Anyway... today is an uneventful day. I'm spending time reading on Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and other philopher's history at the office. Surprise suprise, the first thing I downloaded off from Kazaa lite was the Eva - Star Wars video. heh. First mp3 was my bro's Muse. Maybe I should get Tool's albumsince I'm hearing good reviews about it. I don't even know how Tool sounds like because our stupid radio station doesn't play their song. Neither do they play Muse.

Now I'm planning to download GITS:SAC later tonite. Or should I leave that to you, Eisu? Then I can grab some other stuff to trade :) So far my only source is a streamloader freeloader account and Kazaa (which has all the Toriyamaworld Naruto on it pretty quickly too).

I might get iMesh and WinMX on my comp.

Also me dad bought a Wireless Lan router for the house. Whee! No more Cat-5 cables strewn around anymore! It's promotional so we got it for about the price of a PS2. It comes with 2 PCMIA cards as well (part of the package). Will install it this Saturday.

Also I'm listening to my mp3s and stuff at the office since I just bought a RM20 speaker last night. Heh.

Nov 12, 2002

By the power of Greyskull!!! I am HE-MAN!!!!

(actually it's just streamyx, but oh well:P)

Nov 11, 2002

I am getting streamyx tomorrow! W00tness!

Nov 6, 2002

Wow. There's a Contra for the PS2. It's... it's.... too good.

Tomorrow I'm bringing my PS to the office. Whee~ I am going to attempt to finish FF8 off this time around. I've started 4 times but never finsihed the 3rd CD ~_~

Nov 5, 2002

Change in layout. bleh. I'm feeling a bit giddy after playing uber pixelated DOOM @_@

It's raining heavily~~~~~~~~~ w00t. What does that mean? It means nothing to do at home :( Can't see football; can't go online; can't play PS2; can't play Wild Arms 2; Maybe can go deck tuning... BTW, the layout isn't complete yet so bear with me...

And for all you SPMers, good luck, good game, have fun, good work, good job, huk huk etc. etc. etc.

And for all Muslims out there, have a nice time puasa-ing. And don't go do bad things like blowing things up (esp. to you radicals out there), ok?

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix? Bah.

Happy Depavali. Me a bit late to say that. Sorry~

Nov 2, 2002

Ugh. I played MTG draft until 1:15 in the morning. Didn't wake up till 10+ am today. Guess my Kino's and TR visit will be delayed till tomorrow :(

Nov 1, 2002

Ooh. I got a second psx emulator to work since XP doesn't allow VGS. Woohoo! And this one plays more games than VGS too. And more configurable. Right now I'm playing Wild Arms 2, Valkyrie Profile and possibly Legend of Mana. I played WA2 the most on the PS, but I couldn't solve one of the puzzles in the second last dungeon. bleh.

Tomorrow I'm gonna visit Kino's and possibly Tower Records. Order stuff~~~~~~~~~~

Netizen characteristics. Very amusing.