Nov 13, 2002

I tried and tried but I couldn't find it. What's it, you ask? That's Makoto's Motoko's Curvaceous Behind (TM). ^_^

Anyway... today is an uneventful day. I'm spending time reading on Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and other philopher's history at the office. Surprise suprise, the first thing I downloaded off from Kazaa lite was the Eva - Star Wars video. heh. First mp3 was my bro's Muse. Maybe I should get Tool's albumsince I'm hearing good reviews about it. I don't even know how Tool sounds like because our stupid radio station doesn't play their song. Neither do they play Muse.

Now I'm planning to download GITS:SAC later tonite. Or should I leave that to you, Eisu? Then I can grab some other stuff to trade :) So far my only source is a streamloader freeloader account and Kazaa (which has all the Toriyamaworld Naruto on it pretty quickly too).

I might get iMesh and WinMX on my comp.

Also me dad bought a Wireless Lan router for the house. Whee! No more Cat-5 cables strewn around anymore! It's promotional so we got it for about the price of a PS2. It comes with 2 PCMIA cards as well (part of the package). Will install it this Saturday.

Also I'm listening to my mp3s and stuff at the office since I just bought a RM20 speaker last night. Heh.


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