<plug>My friend's band's site: [http://www.spunkyfunggy.com]. Check under media for some sample songs. </plug>
Blarging On By
Apr 27, 2003
Woohoo! It's 4:20 am in the morning! And I'm still awake!
Been busy painting my army. So far the count is rising steadily.
Current count:
11 Necron Warriors (10 in first squad, 1 in the second)
2 Destroyers (both in 1 squad)
2 unflocked scarab swarms (this is the fastest unit I can paint, but I need to flock the base to make it look even partially good)
1 Nightbringer
I feel the army's urge to destroy stuff is rising :D
Uh... I go sleep now. Have to do more painting tomorrow.
Oh, and Rave: Groove Adventure is now translated by Comic House... but since when does "Groove Adventure" translate to Misteri Naga (Dragon Mystery)?
Apr 24, 2003
Just as I am reading this, I just recalled of all the stories that my parents/aunts/living relative told me quite a number of times (this is partially due to aimo's response on Eisu's blog). When I was very little (i.e. less than a year old) I crawled around in my grandparents' house. I was chilling and all that and too curious for my own good. I went around the couch and saw a yellow thing and popped it in my mouth. Of course, it didn't taste very good, tho a bit crunchy. My mum and grandparents panicked and forced me to spit out that disgusting tasting corpse of a cicak...
But that was not the end of the story :D
It seemed like I didn't learn my lesson and about 6 months later, I swallowed a mothball that I found in my parent's wardrobe in my house at the time. Needless to say, I was immediately brought to the hospital to have the sphere pumped out of my digestive organs.
Think about it... what have you eaten yesterday?
Apr 23, 2003
According to my office colleagues, somebody hanged himself at the Hindu temple near the office... He was found early yesterday morning.
Apr 21, 2003
9 Necron warriors painted. W00t!
Also last Saturday, I went to Ayer Tawar in Perak for some site testing. The work starts at 7:50 pm and ended at 2:30am-ish. Drove back immediately after that. The roads were extremely dark and winding. But I managed to arrive safely at home at 5:00am. Fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. Actually, no. Stupid adrenaline.
Apr 16, 2003
I've finished painting 6 Necron warriors! And 2 sets of 4 scarabs each! And 2/3rds through with a destroyer. All at the rapid speed of 1 model a day! I'm planning to make a comedy diorama with all the stuff I painted and upload one each day. Heh.
[If you did not understand the above post please don't feel down. Most other people don't either ;P]
Apr 10, 2003
[Browse through this thread and feel pitiful of your artskillz] Well not really, but those artworks in there are damn nice :)
Apr 9, 2003
Apr 7, 2003
Apr 5, 2003
I played my first warhammer 40k game today. W00t! with help from veteran players, I managed to win with a 1700 point heavily proxied army :D Even the monolith is an upside down yellow tupperware :O The game was fun tho! Learned a lot today :)
I've also managed to cut up my first 5 models! Now i have to glue 'em together and paint them. It gets tiring though...
Apr 4, 2003
I got some of my Necron stuff! Now to build and paint them. Once I'm done with that, I can get more...
Apr 3, 2003
I went to Air/Ayer Tawar in Perak yesterday. Drove in the morning, arrived at Bidor at 8, took a break while waiting for a collegue till 9:00 and reached the substation at 10:30. Did work, and left the substation at 5:00-ish. arrived home at 8pm. Went to sleep at 9:45.
Car skidded but no crash. Managed to stop my car when I swerved to avoid the car infront of me. Lucky.
I have to watch out for speed traps...