Jun 12, 2006

I'm gonna skip past the review in this post...

I'll eventually finish it off, but I have some much more interesting news. It's 1:37am in the morning and I'm still in the office. Time for a break... Right now, it is noon July 11 in the US (EST). So what does this mean? July 11 marks the day of the street break date for the Nintendo DS Lite. It's good news for Nintendo who's taking this current handheld console war by storm. Japan alone has had 2 million sales since its debut. And yes it looks a bit like an iPod. Feels like one too. I've got handgrease stains all over it and had to get a glasses lense cloth wiper thingie.

More interestingly is that Sony (executives, and not Sony fanboys surprisingly) has been spouting crap recently. Check them out here and here. Sony's been doing very bad PR for quite sometime, but for some reason, people are only noticing it now. I have to admit that I was one of them, but they provided an alternative platform from Nintendo at the time (and Nintendo had to screw up with the whole third-party deal after the SNES :/).

With the PS3, nobody will ever need a PC? I suppose there will be a keyboard and mouse peripheral later on? I sure the hell don't wanna type on a virtual keyboard (like the ones on touchpanels) when IMing, Plus I am not so ambidextrous to handle 2 analogue sticks to play FPS (and that's the only thing that's putting me off Halo 2 :D Love it for the atmosphere and dialogue). I can play FPSs just fine with the keyboard and mouse (or a D-Pad with the Stylus-NDS style). Since the PS3 can replace the PC, can I replace my hard disk in case of an utter system failure? Is there a recovery disk? I sure hope so.

I don't want to diss the PS3 (infact I will probably get it too after the mod+console price comes down in a couple of years), but the way the higher ups in Sony are (what's a kind work for fucking up?) handling the negative publicity quite badly. And the choice of words are important because you are trying to sell you product. Brand name will get you only to a certain point. Be smart Sony.

I just had a talk to my brother thru Skype yesterday, and he made a comment that I believe is coming thru. I think I am getting in touch with my gaming grassroots. Haha! How true.

Oh by the way, a link to youtube.com for much hilarity.


At 8:42 PM , Blogger mudster said...

Maybe I should extend my post view to more than 5 on the main page? Will that help?

And yes, you shoud realy get back to blogging. Thoughts are important! If you want to keep them private, just don't publish them! ;D You'll probab;y go WTF am I writing 5 years from now when you read back your archive. I've done that a couple of times :D


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