Mar 15, 2006

Chop, Hack & Slash

I have been playing Guild Wars as of late. Hence the title. That and work. I should go do something worthwhile.

Btw, if you noticed, the tagboard's gone. Nothing lost there.

Oh, btw... I may start looking for a bunch of guys to help realize a game system I've been thinking about for quite some time. The concept came about in Uni days, but been dormant for quite a while. Oh, And I still haven't (fully) forgotten about the PnP post World War II RPG...

*Sigh* so many (personal) projects....


At 9:13 PM , Blogger xazaru said...


i think la

i saw other chat box service, they don't suffer from the "spam" thingy.

i think u should switch to other chat box script lah mudster

At 2:42 PM , Blogger mudster said...

lazy lar... and about the small red comment text... i'll work on it later.

At 2:34 AM , Blogger mudster said...

I have an extra brolly in my car right now. i assume it's yours :D


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