Mar 30, 2006

Took some time off from work on Sunday...
And I went to play paintball! Whee~~~~
The place is near the National Zoo (actually, it's about 5 km inside of the National Zoo's road entrance) and is bloody cheap. Well at least compared to other paintball spots. It's RM 70 to rent a marker (paintball gun) along with 50 bullets and a mask. Quite a bargain I must say... Lunch was an all you can eat nasi campur (kampung cooking) which only cost an additional RM5. The chicken and fish in the meal are reared there itself, so the quality is fresh!

Even better is the fact that you can stay overnight to play paintball. Yes, you can feel how is it like to be a grunt :D Rations can be provided, and the paintball session will run 24 hours. Scouting and raiding parties can be staged! Feeling hungry? Steal your opposing team's food storage! Well, you don't have to, but it's fun!

Excellent place and near to the KL and there's no tollbooth. 4.5 stars out of 5. The missing 0.5? The markers were shiny. Oh and it rained in the morning, so the face masks were fogging up badly and there were TONS of leeches (but I was lucky!)

Right now I'm thinking of getting myself a marker... Tippmann 98 Custom here I come!



At 9:09 PM , Blogger Saviour-V said...

Saviour-V teleports in...

Heya, comrade Mudster. It's been a while.

Haven't kept in contact with you for quite a while. Times have changed, but I still remember you, albeit barely.

Drop by my blog and comment, old chap. Could use the company.


Saviour-V teleports out...


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