Jun 9, 2006

More gaming-related post

Currently listening to lozow.mid (Legend of Zelda Theme (NES version)) - Checkout VGmusic.com

I played my NDSlite again last night. And I seriously enjoy the games I am playing now. Which prompted me to check out VGmusic.com to get some old school midis. Yes, midis! In this new age of mp3s, divx, wma, and other formats of digital audio, I am listening to midis. But I am rather (not really) surprised at the quality of the midis that are downloadable in VG music. Some of the rearranged/remixed/medleys/whatever nots pieces, are of excellent quality. Of course the original composed music must be great as shown by Legend of Zelda's composer Koji Kondo.

Legend of Zelda is known for its cinematic composition which makes it comparable to John Williams (of Star Wars, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Harry Potter fame).

For thos interested in dance/trance kind of music, I would suggest Rockman/Megaman soundtrack. Especially the remixes. Or if you want Grunge/Rock there's the more recent Guilty Gear series.

I guess this classifies me as a gaming geek/nerd. But the music *is* simply good. Also, try and check out the older Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy) compositions. I think they're better than the recent ones. Yoko Shimomura (Squaresoft/Square-Enix's Mana series' composer) and Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger, Xenogears) as well.

For now, I'm gonna enjoy the jazz remix of Super Mario Bros.' themes by djpretzel from Over Clocked



At 12:27 PM , Blogger xazaru said...

Yasunori Mitsuda ?

Rockman's tracks/scores ??


i found heaven! thanks mudster!

At 12:13 PM , Blogger mudster said...

Glad you liked the links. Just doing my part to enlighten the (few) people who reads my blog.


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