Jan 31, 2005

Listening to Red 104.9 FM

You know despite the fact that I had only slept 3 hours this morning, I am mostly wide awake. Mostly.

The weekend was rather interesting:
Had to work the whole of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I was tired on Sunday morning. I would say about 70% of the whole office were working on those 3 days as well. And that does not include the Japanese guys, the wiremen, and the testers. Felt like a huge extended family because while everybody is pressured to reach the target before Monday, we still had time to joke and be casual.

I had 3 Nescafe tins, a ciggie and a red bull yesterday. I think that could have been why I couldn't sleep that well last night.

And my home computer cannot boot a couple of days ago... Sucks. Not that I mind since I wasn't home most of the weekend anyway. Bummed at a couple of friends' place because they were nearer to the office :)

Status: ^___^ Happy and Invigorated. And mostly awake. Mostly
Breakfast was skipped mainly because if I were to eat anything, I think I may vomit it all out.


At 10:19 AM , Blogger mudster said...

I decided to have breakfast after all. Mee goreng and warm water.


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