Sep 10, 2004

Listening to Track 2 - Wild Arms 3 OST

ZzzzZZZZzZZzzzz... Tired. Need sleep. Really.

Well, looks like today's gonna be a busy day. Gotta get packed. Gotta change money. And all that stuff. ZzZZzzzZzzzZzzz

It'll be 2.5 weeks before I meet anyone familiar (except for my family) again. Last attempt at browsing the internet before total communication breakdown. :(

I also heard a second Resident Evil movie is coming out. W00t.

Well, gotta leave. Need sleep. I'll try to update my blog links before I leave, ok?

Dinner was... KFC. Yeah. KFC. Got a problem with that?


At 7:44 AM , Blogger ExecutorAzmin said...

Well, have a good trip!

Oh, and what's wrong with you dude? Internet access should be available easily over there! So what breakdown you talking bout ese?

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Lady Aurora said...

No wonder you're tired, what with the amount of time you've been putting in at work. And stuff.

Enjoy your holiday! I'm sure you can get sporadic internet access here and there, but even if you don't, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be just fine :D Have fun!


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