Jun 27, 2004

Listening to Belaian Jiwa - Innuendo (Don't ask, it's my bro's mp3 collection)

I watched the Greece - France match, except the 2 minutes when Greece scored -_- I fell asleep :/ It was a fairly entertaining match, but watching it with friends made it even more interesting. I must say that France let the Greece forward unmarked was a really big blunder on their side.

Greece Striker: Oh look, my pal is coming up the side. I must distract the French defender.
Greece striker drops a 1 franc coin on the ground
French defender: Oooooh Shiny!
Greece striker scores with a header
French players: WTF?!

On another totally unrelated occassion, I lost in the Malaysian Monopoly Championship knockout round. :(One of my friends won the tournament, get RM10,000. And a trip for 2 to Tokyo for the International Monopoly Championship. Damn. Well, at least I got RM 500 for getting 2nd in last week's preliminaries.

And on another unrelater note, Chronicles of Riddick was GREAT. Quite an interesting movie. The inner monologue kept added humor to the movie. Not unlike Pitch Black, the story was pretty smooth, lots of action, and the occassional censorship board cuts. But it was not enough to deter the movie. Well recommended.

Dinner was nasi lemak and air limau.


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