May 12, 2004

Listening to Go to Sleep - Radiohead

Hmmm Blogger has a new layout.

Last Saturday, I went to Bukit tinggi and played Paintball. In jungle setting. Pretty damn good. No mosquitoes or flies since it's quite high up in the hills. Although somebody accidentally shot a bee's hive and the bees attacked a group of us. I got stung on my hand, but that's about it. Squeezed the venom outta the body :D

# of times played: 4
# of times I died: 3
# of kills out of all games: 1

Our team were a bunch of 19/20 year olds + 1 older guy and myself.
The enemy team were a bunch of wargaming veteran guys and some askar wataniah.

Guess why we lost all the games :D

Dinner was bad tasting Mee Hong Kong and iced water


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