Oct 29, 2002

Really cool link!

OK, it's official. I am back into Magic: the Gathering. Me and my bro both. Well, kinda. Not gonna try to find any of those lost 4 years worth of expansions, but instead gonna continue with the latest expansion: Onslaught. Well, I think I'm gonna stay as a casual player and make money out of this game rather than really going in :D Since 1 booster = RM10 and whenever I buy any, I play a draft mini-tournament in which all the players get to keep their drafted common and uncommon (which can go for RM0.50 to RM5) and still get to pick 3 rare cards which can easily be worth RM 12 to 20 (though there are some which are worth way more than that) depending on how you ended up in the tourney. Let's just say that the resale value is good if you can find buyers :)


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