Mar 31, 2003

Back in M'sia. Er... SARS didn't rear its ugly head at the tourney, so it was okay. Quite a number of players still wore face masks tho. I guess you can never be too careful. The hotel room really transformed into a "rumah orang bujang" aka "Bachelor's house" :D

The head Judge was Mark Brown, and it was his birthday that Saturday. Talk about coincidence.

The main event (Grand Prix Singapore) had about 220 players playing. It's a 2 day event and if you get number 1 to 64 you get to continue playing on the second day. [I got number 748] :( Everybody else except for one of the guys in my group (who got number 21; so he played on Sunday) were crashed out as well. Due to the randomness of the cards given, some of the better players ended up with a really bad deck, thus spoiling the chances of getting a top 64 spot.

Day 2 had my friends going for the side event tourney (PTQ Yokohama), with the results being 3 of them reaching the top 8. W00t! I gotta ask them how the end was (I left before they played the quarterfinals).

Also on Sunday was my bro's birthday. Whee~


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